
Ladies Shoe Size Chart

Ladies Shoe Size Chart – How to Interpret

Shoe Size Chart

As you can see from the chart, there is no clear mapping between UK/US sizes and EU foot sizes. At TealCloset.com, we offer EU sizes, however, some of our suppliers may offer UK sizes instead. In that case, you can use this conversion chart to find the best fit. We strongly encourage you to measure your feet before ordering any footwear online.

How to Measure Your Shoe Size

Place your foot on a large piece of paper, with the end of the sole of your foot at one edge of the paper. Now mark the point where the longest toe, or thumb touches the paper. Repeat this for the other foot. Now measure the distance between the paper’s edge and the mark you made. The larger of the two readings will be your foot size. Use the shoe size chart here to identify your correct shoe size. Typically, you need footwear that is at least 0.5 cms longer than your foot. You can also find printable versions of the shoe size chart online on different websites.

And remember, the foot size varies during the day, and if you exercise, it also stretches the foot. So something that feels tight in the morning, may feel very comfortable at night.

We also keep your foot size on record, when you make a purchase. This way, you can be assured that you are indeed getting the best fitting shoes. Plus, we offer free replacements for size, when you order. Have a look at our policies such as the lifetime replacement offer for more details.

Foot Care Instructions

As you take care of your footwear and sandals, you also need to take care of your feet. This prevents pains, fatigue and chafing, as long as the shoe fits. Here are some tips for you (most of them seem intuitive, however we often forget about them).

  • Never walk bare foot outdoors or indoors on hard surfaces. It will cause damage in the long term.
  • Wash your feet daily, dry them completely, including between toes.
  • Unless advised, do not use any foot powder.
  • Make sure that you moisturize your feet if they feel dry. While moisturizing, avoid getting the moisturizing cream between your toes.
  • You can also use petroleum jelly to moisturize.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures on your feet. Don’t let them get very cold or very hot. This includes:
    • Avoid walking on hot sand on the beach, wear flip flops or beach sandals.
    • Check the water temperature before immersing your feet at a spa.
    • Don’t use hot water bottles next to your feet at night. Wear comfortable socks that are not too tight, to keep your feet warm.
  • Don’t let your nails grow too long, they will hurt when wearing closed toed footwear.
  • Keep your toenails trim and cut, without creating sharp edges.
  • Avoid standing on one foot for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Take a break or walk around for a bit to improve blood circulation.
  • You feet should remain clean and dry with no dirt or any other material between your toes. It can cause infections.
  • Exercise every day, including a brisk walk in your daily routine.
  • Wear sensible shoes while walking, don’t do your morning constitutional in hard boots or high heels.
  • Keep track of any ingrown toenails, discolorations or thick toenails.

Additional Tips for Foot Care

  • Buy or try shoes in the evening, that is when you feet are usually at their biggest. Refer a shoe size chart before making a purchase.
  • Always try sandals with a toe strap before buying. They should not cause irritation between the toe and and thumb.
  • Break in your new footwear by wearing it for no more than 2-3 hours at a time.
  • Preferably cut your toenails before using a shoe size chart to measure your feet.